Gloriosa Superba lily Plant Description
Gloriosa Superba – Glory lily, Gloriosa Lily Plant Height – Climbing 1.5 m or more, Leaves – Long-lanceolate to narrowly ovate-lanceolate, Leaf length – 10.2-12.7 cm, Leaf width – 1.3–2.5 cm, Flowers – linear to narrow lanceolate, Flower length – 5.1–7.6 cm, Flower color – Yellow changing to red, Origin – Tropical Africa and Asia. Gloriosa superba lily Can be grown in warmer areas of Zone 8 where it is killed to the ground by freezes but it usually recovers in spring if roots are protected with a thick layer of mulch.
Gloriosa superb/ lily is a native of tropical Asia and Africa. The genus derives its name from the Latin word gloriosus, referring to the flowers. It is found growing throughout tropical India, from the North -West Himalayas to Assam and the Deccan peninsula, extending up to an elevation of 2120 M. In Karnataka, it is commonly found growing all along the Western Ghats; it is also found growing in Madagascar, Srilanka, Indo-China and on the adjacent island. Gloriosa superba lily is a striking tuberous climbing plant with brilliant wavy-edged yellow and red flowers. There is also a more bushy, yellow-flowered form.
In Ayurveda, the tuber of the plant is used in herbal formulations. Gloriosa superba lily has anthelmintic properties, which keep parasites and insects at bay. Morning Glory Lily extracts are also abortifacient, which can induce abortion. Its abortifacient and antipyretic properties have been mentioned in ancient classics “Charaka”. The name Garbhaghatini is due to this abortifacient activity.
Medicinal Uses of Gloriosa superba lily
- Morning Glory Lily combats parasites and worms on the skin’s surface.
- As an antipyretic, the herb reduces fever.
- Gloriosa superba is used to cure arthritis, gout, rheumatism, inflammation, ulcer, skin diseases, leprosy, snake bite, purgative, gonorrhoea, infertility, itching, abdominal pain, cancer, piles, and scrofula.
- Gloriosa Superba is used in veterinary medicine to treat cancers in some animals.
- Paste is antidote in snake bite.
- Even the leaves of Glory lily have more medicinal qualities, namely for curing asthma, its juice is effective against lice and also against many skin disorders .
- It can be administered to a delivered mother along with spirituous drink to give relieve to her postnatal complaints and also if its root paste smeared over the palms and feet of a pregnant woman, delivery of child becomes easier.
- Leaf extract mixed with sesamum oil is applied twice a day on the joints affected with arthritis reduces pain
Gloriosa superba lily is among some of the modern medicine’s most important plants actually facing local extinction.Gloriosa superba derives its name Gloriosa from the word “gloriosus’, which means handsome and superba from the word “superb’ means splendid or majestic kind. This plant has been a source of medicine right from the ancient time. So many books and articles have been written so far on the medicinal and other values of this plant. It is one of the most popular herb in all discussions, symposia and seminars etc. related to herbal conservation