Botanical Name : Abies webbiana
Sanskrit name : Talispatra
English Name : Himalayan fir
Family: Pinaceae
Plant parts available: Leaf
Description of Abies webbiana:
commonly called Talispatra in India is a herb belonging to the Pinaceae plant family. The plant has different names associated with its different qualities. It is called “Dhaatri patra” as the leaves resembles the leaves of phyllanthus niruri, “Ghanachada”, the plant with thick leaves, “Hridya” as it is good for heart. According to Ayurveda it is bitter and sweet in taste and hot and pungent in properties.
Medicinal Value:
Good medicine for Asthma and bronchitis.
The nature of the leaves is as follows: Astringent, carminative [Inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines.
The leaf juice is a good blood purifier, antispasmodic and aromatic.
This is good remedy for chronic cough.
This helps in the process of consumption.
The choorna of “Taalisa” and other some herbs cures cough and cold.
It helps to improve appetite and taste.
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