Botanical Name : Abrus Precatorius Plant part used: Seed |
Primary Medicinal Uses
Skin related problems
Abrus precatorius is very effective in treating leucoderma. It you are infected with acne sores or boils, the leaves of the herb serve as a great medicine. It also helps getting you rid of itching and other skin related problems.
Scratches from pet animals
If you are hurt by pet animals leading to scratches or wounds, apply a paste of the herb over the affected area.
Abdominal Pain
Prepare a paste of the roots and apply it over the abdomen. The herb cures the wounds rapidly.
Hair Growth
The oil extracted from the leaves of Gundumani has great medicinal properties in stimulating the growth of hairs.
Intestinal worms
Take the seeds of the plant. Dry them and powder them. Take the powder once for 2 days. Worms get killed.
Powder the roots of the herb and mix it with butter. Consume it three times a day. Cough gets cured. A tea is made from the leaves of the plant and consumed which is a good medicine for curing cold, cough and fever.
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