Botanical Name : Abutilon indicum
Sanskrit name : Atibala
English Name : Indian Mallow, Country mallow, Indian abutilon, Monkey bush
Family : MalvaceaePlant Parts Used : Whole Plant
Description of Acacia Concinna :
“An erect velvety-pubescent subshrub with suborbicular-ovate cordate coarsely crenate-serrate long-petiolate alternate leaves; pubescence of soft stellate pale hairs; flowers solitary in axils, on long pedicels (4-7 cm), usually longer than the petioles; petals orange-yellow, imbricate, deltoid-obovate, 1 cm long or slightly more, staminal-tube hirsute with stellate hairs; fruit circular, of 11-20 radiating carpels, hirsute, brown when dry; each carpel flattened, somewhat boatshaped, apiculate by the short persistent style-remnant, about 8 mm long; seeds reniform and stellate-pubescent”
Medicinal Uses:
- Deafness, ringing in the ears, earache, Eye problems
2. Colds, high fever, mumps, hives,Fever
3. Pulmonary tuberculosis Cough, bronchitis
4. Lack of urination. Difficult/painful urination
5. Diabetes, thirst
6. Painful menses
7. Carbuncle
8. Hemorrhoids Hernia
9. Diarrhea, worms.
10. Infusion, poultice or paste for Boils, ulcers.