Description of Bambusa Arundinacea :
A tall thorny bamboo upto 30 m in height with many sterns, tufted on stout root stock, nodes prominent, the lowest rooting, internodes upto 45 cm long, stem sheath coriaceous, orange-yellow, streaked, glabrous or puberulous beneath, base rounded, ciliate, tip stiff, midrib narrow, leaf sheaths with a short bristly auricle, ligule short; spikelets glabrous, yellow or yellowish green, in very long panicles, often occupying the whole stem, floral glumes, 3-7 in number, the uppermost 1-3 male or neuter, lodicules 3, hyaline, 1-3 nerved, ciliate; fruits oblong grains, beaked by the style base, grooved on one side.
Chemical Constituent:
Analysis of tender shoots gave protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, copper, chlorine, thiamine, vitamin-C etc.
Medicinal Uses:
1. It is used in diarrhoea, dyspepsia, flatulence and worm problems.
2. It is used in fever, inflammations, ulcers and wounds.
3. It is also used in vomiting, hyperdipsia and burning sensation.
4. It helps to cure cough, bronchitis, asthma, asthmatic bronchitis and emphysema.
5. It is used in strangury, syphilis, ophthalmia and haemorrhages.
No toxic effect was seen on human body with its consumption.