Health benefits
The diseases caused by fluid, low strength that results in heaviness in any part of the body, body heat, indigestion and problems due to indigestion that causes diseases related to body pain. The problems related to dryness or coldness like fever etc are the diseases that can be cured by taking mukkrattai keerai.
Hogweed protects the skin from infection and cleanse it. The best medicine for guinea worms is boerhaavia leaves. Punarnava helps to retain the health of the skin for a long period of time by protecting the tissues from dangerous diseases.
Renal calculi or kidney stones are prevented or the stones are reduced gradually by adding punarnava in the diet. It strengthens male reproductive system. The other combinations that are mixed with punarnava protects a person from anemia and reduces the effect of anemia.
The function of the lungs works good when hogweed or boerhavia diffusa is taken at regular intervals. It protects lungs from major diseases to minor diseases like asthma to common cold and cough.
The anti-inflammation properties reduces the risk of getting arthritis and joint pains. Mukkrattai keerai has a unique formula that strengthens the joints and bones.
Boerhaavia increases appetite, relieves from constipation problems, proper digestion and abdominal pains due to improper digestion are prevented.
In Brazil, boerhaavia leaves is used for liver disorders. It stimulates the liver functions and reactivates the cells that are damaged to fight against jaundice, hepatitis and gallbladder. The other types of liver disorders are treated with the help of boerhaavia leaves.
The other health benefits are, toxins are flushed out, kills worms, sweats more and makes skin healthy, swelling, nervous weakness, paralysis, reduces blood pressure and prevents heart problems.