Bombax ceiba is a medicinal tree and is also referred as silent doctor. It is found in India, Malaysia, Sri lanka, Hong kong, Australia and Africa. Every part of this tree is used to treat various ailments.
In Ayurveda it is referred as aphrodisiac, astringent, antidiarrheal, antidysenteric, antimicrobial diuretic, alterative, antipyretic and tonic. It is used in treatment of asthma, diarrhoea, wound, leucorrhoea, anaemia, seminal disorders and skin problems.
Other Details of Semal
Latin name: Bombax ceiba
Sanskrit: Shalmali, Semul, Simul
Hindi: Semal
English name: Silk Cotton Tree, Indian Kapok tree
Bengali: Shimul
Telgu: Buruga
Bangla: Katsevari
Punjabi: Sumbal
Gujrati: Shimalo
Malyalam: Mullilavu
Telgu: Kondaburuga
Home remedies with Semal or Bombax ceiba
Here is how various parts of Silk cotton tree can be used at home to treat various disorders.
Seminal disorders
Take tender roots of semal, clean and dry in shade. Grind to make powder. Take this powder to cure seminal disorders.
Nocturnal emission, semen problems
Take semal root powder and add vidari (Ipomoea digitata) root, shatawar and misri. Take twice a day with milk.
Blood purification
Take leaves of semal and grind with water. Filter and drink.
Take semal root powder twice a day with water.
Over bleeding in menstruation
Mix semal root powder (100 gm), mulethi powder (50 gm), swarn geru (25 gm). Take this powder powder twice a day with water or milk.
Acne, skin blemish and pigmentation
Take thorny part from stem of semal tree. Make paste of root of thorn with water. Apply on affected area. This also lightens scar marks due to boils, freckles, acne vulgarise and burns.
Apply paste of its bark on wound.
From the semal flower take green base part, clean and dry in shade. Grind to make powder. Mix one spoon powder, honey (2 tbsp) desi ghee (1 tbsp) in milk and drink.
Improve breast milk
Take bark of semal root, clean and dry and grind to make powder. Take twice to improve breast milk.
Cold and cough
Mix semal root powder with black pepper and dry ginger powder. Take in small amount to cure cold and cough.