Helpful For Cholesterol Control
Acids like linoliec acid, oliec acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid are naturally occurring in coriander. All these acids are very beneficial for reducing cholesterol levels in the body and remove deposits of cholesterol from the walls of veins and arteries.
Coriander contains cineole which is well known as an anti-arthritis and anti rheumatic agent. It is also effective in problems related to kidneys as it helps in excretion of excess water from the body.
Effective Remedy For Anemia
As coriander is rich in iron hence it is beneficial for people suffering from anemia.
Skin Problems
Coriander has anti septic, anti fungal as well as antioxidant properties hence is useful in treating skin problems like fungal infections, eczema and prevents dryness in the skin.
Digestion Assistance
Not only does coriander add aroma and taste to food but it also helps in digestion by helping in secretion of digestive juices and enzymes in our stomach.
Organic Coriander Benefits
These days people are more inclined towards eating organically grown food as it is believed to be more healthier and safe to eat due to absence of any types of chemicals in them. There is heavy debate going on the topic that is organic food more healthier. Leaving the question of being more healthier aside their is no doubt that it is more safe to eat organically grown food as it has low or no chemical content at all hence helping in preventing a lot of diseases.