Pomegranates are one of the fruits of heaven and it has been long used to treat cancer. Cancer patients should drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice. Keep in mind that the juice must be consumed within 4 hours of squeezing. After the fruit is squeezed, store in the refrigerator and if you must keep it for a long time, then add in some lemon juice and store in the freezer. Cover the jar with foil or a heavy cloth to block out all light.
How to Dry Pomegranate Peels
- Take the pomegranate and cut down the middle and then cut into fourths. Remove all the red fruit from the peels.
- Disgard the white pith which is bitter. Cut the peel into very small pieces for easier drying.
- Place in the direct sun and when the peel is completely dried, pound with a pestle and mortar until [powder like. Do not put in a food processor as the large pieces will get lodged in between the blades.
- Once you have a rough chop using your mortar, transfer to a food processor and pulse very slowly.
- Store the powder in an airtight bag or jar.
Pomegranate Herbal Tea
For Stomach distress, colon, kidney and liver problems. Also ideal for the eradication of parasites.
This remedy works very well for eradication of parasites.