Indian Sarsaparilla
General information:
Indian Sarsaparilla is known in Ayurveda as a tonic, alterative, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic and blood purifier. It is beneficial in treating skin and urinary disorders.
The plant is found throughout Central, Western and Southern India.
Therapeutic constituents:
The coumarinolignoids hemidesmine and hemidesmin are the major chemical constituents of the herb, which give Indian Sarsaparilla its therapeutic properties.
Key therapeutic benefits:
- Indian Sarsaparilla cools the urinary tract, which effectively alleviates the burning sensation during urination.
- The herb is also helpful in treating urinary infections and kidney disorders.
- As an antibacterial, Indian Sarsaparilla treats skin diseases and promotes skin healing.
MEDICINAL USES: Over the centuries, Ayurvedic sages have developed myriad medicinal uses and a wide variety of traditional medicines made with Sariva root. Several of these traditional uses have been validated by modern science and the plant is still prescribed as medicine to this day. The majority of traditional remedies and medicinal tonics are almost exclusively made from the plant’s roots; however there are several skin creams and digestive aids that utilize the whole plant. There are six major therapeutic uses that have been time tested and shown to be efficacious: Hemidesmus indicus is effective as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and vulnerary. It prevents miscarriages, improves fertility, and treats syphilis (Arun et al. 2007).
For hundreds of years Ayurvedic practitioners have used Sugandi root to promote a calm and tranquil state of mind, to maintain mental clarity while falling asleep and to achieve lucidity while dreaming. This is definitely a powerful dream herb that is used by many people to aid in meditation, trance, and lucid dream induction. There is also significant scientific evidence that Hemidesmus indicus can be used effectively as a treatment for arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, epileptic seizures, high blood pressure, immune disorders, and high stress (Arun et al. 2007).
In traditional Hindi folk wisdom, healers or sages used the roots to cleanse the blood of toxins, soothe skin irritations and rashes, reduce the burning sensations caused by urinary tract infections, reduce fevers, and to heal moderate cases of acne. Women use Sugandi root to promote a healthy pregnancy and to reduce the possibility of a miscarriage