Mangoes are seasonal fruits mainly available in summer and known to be the favourite of all. This tasty fruit has lots of health benefits which many of us are not aware of. Mango is known as “King of fruits” nutritionally rich with a unique fragrance, flavour, taste and health giving properties, this fruit is often labeled as Super fruit. 100 grams of mango provides about 50 % of daily Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Also contains adequate amount of dietery fibers.
Some of the medicinal properties and health benefits of this super fruit is listed below :
- Improves digestion : Rich in probiotic fiber which helps in growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This helps to reduce or lower acidity problem, prevent constipation and prevent a number of diseases associated with Gastrointestinal tract like Inflammatory bowel disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Antibiotic related disorders etc.
- Highest Vitamin A containing fruit. Vitamin A, flavanoids like Beta carotene and Antioxidants helps to maintain healthy eyes and skin. Regular intake also protect from lung and oral cancer.
- A very good source of potassium which helps in maintaining normal Blood Pressure and Heart rate.
- Lowers Cholesterol : High fiber, pectin, and high vitamin C level helps to lower cholesterol.
- Prevent cancers : Recent research shows mango has ability to protect against Colon, Breast, Prostrate cancers and Leukemia.
- Boost Memory : Rich in Glutamine which helps to boost memory. Also rich in Vitamin B6 which is essential for GABA production, an essential neurotransmitter in CNS.
- Prevent Anemia : Rich in Iron and especially beneficial for women suffering from Aneamia and ladies undergoing post menopausal syndrome.
- Provides Immunity : A good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin B6 which provides immunity and helps to develop resistance against infections.
Mangoes are very good, if taken regularly so make it a part of your diet and enjoy its maximum benefits especially when the season is ON. Don’t forget to include mango peel as it is rich in phytonutrients, carotenoids and polyphenoids which are healthy Antioxidants.