Description of Operculina Trpethum:
It is a perennial aromatic creeper. It is a simple stem, triangular or rectangular with hairy stem. Leaves are many and are oval in shape. It is 2 to 5 inch in length. The flower presentation is 1 to 4 inch long and has 3 to 4 branches that bear white flowers. Fruit is round ½ to ¾ inch in diameter, it bears 4 shiny 2 inch long seeds. Roots are thick, branched, black in color. The plant fruits and flowers in march to December.
Chemical Constituents:
The root bark contains glycosidium resin which is 10 %. It also contains a glycoside named turoethin that provides it the purgative action. Besides these it contains two glycosides, volatile oils and yellow colored substance.
It is vata and pitta moderator. It helps in improving the peristaltic movements in the body ther fore are used as laxative. It is anti-inflammatory in action because of its hot potency. It also helps in managing the normal body temperature
The seeds contain an oil composed of fatty acids and sitosterol. The mucilage is compared of sugars – xylose and polysaccharides.
It is a strong purgative so it is to be given in proper dosage other wise it may cause extremes harms to the body.
Medicinal Uses:
It is use for treatment like Piles, Jaundice, Abdominal disorders, Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cough, Asthma, Inflammation, Fever, Obesity.