Benefits of psoralea for specific health conditions include the following:
As hair tonic: In the treatment of leucoderma, leprosy, scabies, dermatatis, vitiated pitta and muco memberanous disorders. For hair Growth: Rub this oil on the scalp for a few minutes. Continue this process for some weeks. After a few days, the colour of the scalp-skin will turn red. Stop the treatment at this stage.
Cancer: Psoralea contains bavachinin, corylfolinin, and psoralen, all of which inhibit the multiplication of osteosarcoma and lung cancer cells.
Psoriasis: Psoralea is a natural source of psoralens, a group of chemicals that includes the active ingredient of a conventional psoriasis medication called methoxsalen (8-MOP, Oxsoralen-Ultra). Psoralens make ultraviolet-light therapy for this disorder more effective.
Vitiligo: Psoralea helps fight vitiligo, a disorder in which patches of skin lose their pigmentation. In one study, forty-nine patients underwent six months of psoralea treatment. Of these patients, 14 percent were cured and another 19 percent regained pigmentation on at least two-thirds of the affected skin.
Other uses: Bone cancer:The Chinese name of this herb, bu gu zhi, means “tonify bone resin.”
Scientific Evidence:Because Psoralea promotes bone calcification it is useful in treating osteoporosis and other bone diseases. This herb is also used to stop the spread of some forms of cancer as it inhibits the multiplication of osteosarcoma (bone cancer cells) and lung cancer cells. Psoralea is used to treat vitiligo, a disorder in which the skin looses its pigmentation. Studies of the effects of Psoralea on vitiligo have shown positive results. This herb can also be used for treating psoriasis.