Indian kino, botanically known as Pterocarpus Marsupium, is a medium to large; deciduous tree that can grow up to 30 meters tall. It turns the water blue as soon as it comes in contact with it. The plant species is native to India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. It was particularly found in certain areas of the Western Ghats, in the Karnataka-Kerala region. The herb is known by different names in different regions, like Piasal (in Orrisa), Malabar, Benga and Bijiyasal (in western Nepal) and so on. The leaves, bark, and gum of Indian kino is used for curing a number of ailments. Because of its medicinal properties, the plant species is cultivated for commercial purpose in many parts of the world. Be it for treating skin conditions or serving as an astringent, the herb is popular for its diverse health benefits.
Indian kino, botanically known as Pterocarpus Marsupium, is a medium to large; deciduous tree that can grow up to 30 meters tall. It turns the water blue as soon as it comes in contact with it. The plant species is native to India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. It was particularly found in certain areas of the Western Ghats, in the Karnataka-Kerala region. The herb is known by different names in different regions, like Piasal (in Orrisa), Malabar, Benga and Bijiyasal (in western Nepal) and so on. The leaves, bark, and gum of Indian kino is used for curing a number of ailments. Because of its medicinal properties, the plant species is cultivated for commercial purpose in many parts of the world. Be it for treating skin conditions or serving as an astringent, the herb is popular for its diverse health benefits.
Plant Chemicals
Epicatechin, pterosupin, liquiritigenin, isoliquiritigenin, marsupol, marsupinol, carpusin, epicatechin, pterostilbene, kinotannic acid, beta-eudesmol, kinoin, kino-red
Uses & Benefits of Indian Kino
- Indian kino has many therapeutic and medicinal properties and is used in treating conditions like elephantiasis, diarrhea, leucoderma, rectalgia, cough, dysentery, and grey hair.
- The crushed leaves of the plant are used externally for the treatment of boils, sores and certain types of skin diseases.
- Consumption of the herb helps to lower the lipid and glucose levels of the body.
- It leads to the significant reduction in the blood sugar levels, in diabetic patients.
- One of the major effects of Indian kino in human body is that it helps to prevent cell proliferation and induces apoptotic effect in tumor cell lines.
- It is also used as an astringent and helps to cure dental problems, like toothache.
- The herb also has anthelmintic properties and is a bitter acrid and an anodyne.
- Indian kino prevents the leakage of electrolytes, caused by herbicide-induced oxidative damage.
- The herb cures ailments like leprosy, leucoderma, rectalgia, constipation, hemorrhages and even rheumatoid arthritis.
- Indian Kino exhibits strong antihyperlipdemic properties and helps in reducing total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and serum triglyceride levels in the human body. It, however, does not cause any change in the HDL cholesterol levels.
- The herb also has antimicrobial properties and is used to act against certain types of bacteria and virus.
- Another vital function of the herb is that it has scavenging properties, which work against mitochondrial lipid peroxidation.