Pueraria Tuberosa, commonly known as kudzu, is a climber with woody tuberculated stem. It is a climbing, coiling and trailing vine with large tuberous roots. The tubers are globose or pot-like, about 25 cm across and the insides are white, starchy and mildly sweet. Leaves are trifoliate and alternate, while the leaflets are egg-shaped, with round base and unequal sides. They are 18 cm long and 16 cm wide and are hairless above. Flowers are bisexual, around 1.5 cm across and blue or purplish-blue in color. The fruit pods are linear, about 2 to 5 cm long and constricted densely between the seeds. They have silky, bristly reddish-brown hair. Seeds vary from 3 to 6 in number. Common names of kudzu are shimiabatraji in Bengali; badar, bankumra, bedarikand, bolaikand, patalkand and dedarikand in Hindi; badra, bhadra, dari, pitham, vendari and virdari in Marathi; saloha, salar, siali and sural in Punjabi; bhukushmandi, gajavajipriya, gajeshta, gandhaphala, ksriravalli, srigalika, shukla and vidarika in Sanskrit; darigummadi and kubayatige in Telugu; and buinkakarkara, handiphuta and katoka in Oriya.
Pueraria Tuberosa, commonly known as kudzu, is a climber with woody tuberculated stem. It is a climbing, coiling and trailing vine with large tuberous roots. The tubers are globose or pot-like, about 25 cm across and the insides are white, starchy and mildly sweet. Leaves are trifoliate and alternate, while the leaflets are egg-shaped, with round base and unequal sides. They are 18 cm long and 16 cm wide and are hairless above. Flowers are bisexual, around 1.5 cm across and blue or purplish-blue in color. The fruit pods are linear, about 2 to 5 cm long and constricted densely between the seeds. They have silky, bristly reddish-brown hair. Seeds vary from 3 to 6 in number. Common names of kudzu are shimiabatraji in Bengali; badar, bankumra, bedarikand, bolaikand, patalkand and dedarikand in Hindi; badra, bhadra, dari, pitham, vendari and virdari in Marathi; saloha, salar, siali and sural in Punjabi; bhukushmandi, gajavajipriya, gajeshta, gandhaphala, ksriravalli, srigalika, shukla and vidarika in Sanskrit; darigummadi and kubayatige in Telugu; and buinkakarkara, handiphuta and katoka in Oriya.
Plant Chemicals
(+)- carbohydrates, crude fiber, crude protein, ether extr, ß-sitosterol, sucrose, glucose, fructose.
Uses & Benefits of Kudzu
- Kudzu tubers reduce dryness of the body and ease bowel movement. They are very helpful in relieving constipation.
- The herb acts as rasayana and slows down the ageing process.
- It strengthens body and boosts its immunity.
- Kudzu is used for the treatment of dysuria, cough, rheumatism, erysipelas and malarial fever.
- The roots are used as a demulcent and refrigerant in fevers. They are used as cataplasm for swellings of joints.
- The herb is an aphrodisiac, emetic and a general tonic.
- Kudzu rejuvenates the male reproductive system and increases both quality and quantity of semen that increase its count and mobility.
- The herb reduces vata and normalizes kapha, which increases shukra dhatu. This shukra dhatu helps in increasing hard erections, libido and sexual energy.
- It acts as a galactogogue and is very useful for nursing mothers.
- Including this herb in your diet rejuvenates skin and increases fairness and glow.
- Kudzu is widely used in skin diseases that cause discoloration.
- It revitalizes the whole body and increases muscle bulk.