- According to Ayurveda Brahti is one of the best herb for treating cold ,cough ,sore throat and asthma.
- Brhati is beneficial herb for curing digestive troubles ,and effectively used in loss of appetite , indigestion , dysentery , gas and intestinal worms
- Brahti stimulates and strengthens the heart and ameliorates the oedema.
- It is also beneficial in dysuria and urinary calculi as it is diuretic in action.
- The seeds boost uterine contraction ,and used in dysmenorroea ,amenorroea and in difficult labour.
- It has anti inflammatory properties.
Principal Constituents: Brhati is pungent and bitter in taste , pungent in the psot digestive effect and has hot potency . It alleviates kapha and vata dosas. It possesses light , dry and sharp attributes. It is an appetizer, digestant, diuretic and is beneficial to the heart. It alleviates cough and asthma. It is useful in the diseases like fever, cough, skin diseases, distaste and pain.
Medicinal Uses: Roots are diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant. The root is used against bronchites, itch and for bodyaches, for asthma and to cure wounds while the seeds are used to treat toothache.
The berries are injurious to children but are often eaten by adults with impunity, especially when quite ripe as the poisonous principle is chiefly associated with all green parts. It is applied in medicine similarly to bittersweet but is more powerful and possesses greater narcotic properties.
The leaves are placed in the cradles of infants to promote sleep. It is useful in cutaneous disorders. Their juice has been used for ringworm, gout and earache and when mixed with vinegar, is considered to be good for gargle and mouthwash. Half-ripe fruits are employed in the preparation of curries, chutneys and preserves. A decoction of root is prescribed as a tonic and also used in difficult parturition.