Herbal Supplies – Bulk Herb Supplies

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS

Hydrastis Indian

Goldenseal Benefits Goldenseal is one of the most popular herbs sold on the American market and has recently gained a reputation as a herbal antibiotic and immune system enhancer. American Indians used goldenseal as a medication for inflammatory internal conditions such as repiratory, digestive and genito-urinary tract inflammation induced by allergy or infection. The Cherokee …


Calendula officinalis

Marigold/Calendula Benefits Marigold or more commonly Calendula has been used medicinally for centuries. Traditionally, it has been used to treat conjunctivitis, blepharitis, eczema, gastritis, minor burns including sunburns, warts, and minor injuries such as sprains and wounds. It has also been used to treat cramps, coughs, and snake bites. Calendula has a high content of …

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