Herbal Supplies – Wholesale Herbs Supplies

Showing: 1 - 10 of 46 RESULTS


Also known as maize (Zea mays), corn is one of the most popular cereal grains in the world. It is the seed (grain) of a plant from the grass family, native to Central America, but grown in countless varieties throughout the world. Popcorn and sweet corn are commonly eaten varieties, but refined corn products are …


Vitex Negundo

General information: Five-Leaved Chaste Tree extracts have been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a rejuvenative tonic for promoting virility. In Unani, the seeds are recommended for controlling premature ejaculation. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India has documented the use of the leaf and the root to treat excessive vaginal discharge, edema, skin diseases, pruritus, helminthiasis, rheumatism …


Vernonia cinerea

General information: Purple Fleabane, found all throughout India, is a plant with a host of medicinal benefits. It is primarily a febrifuge, which brings down fever and a diaphoretic that eliminates toxins by inducing sweating. Purple Fleabane also reduces bladder spasms, purifies blood and is recommended for treating colic. Therapeutic constituents: Triterpenes are the major …


Urginea scilla

Description of Urginea scilla: It is a perennial plant with fibrous roots proceeding from the base of a large, tunicated, nearly globular bulb, 4 to 6 inches long, the outer scales of which are thin and papery, red or orange-brown in colour. The bulb, which is usually only half immersed in the sand, sends forth …


Triticum sativum

General information: Bread Wheat is rich in fiber and nutrients like vitamins B and E, selenium and magnesium. Magnesium is an important mineral that regulates enzymes related to the body’s consumption of glucose and secretion of insulin. Wheatgerm oil obtained from Bread Wheat contains proteins and antioxidants, which are useful in treating skin ailments. The …


Tamarix gallica

General information: Tamarisk, which is found in abundance in North India, has laxative and antihemolytic properties. The herb is often administered for constipation. Therapeutic constituents: Tamarixin is the main chemical constituent of Tamarisk, which gives the herb its therapeutic properties. Key therapeutic benefits: As a laxative, Tamarisk is beneficial in the treatment of constipation. It …


Tamarindus indica

Health benefits of Tamarind Tamarind fruit contains certain health benefiting essential volatile chemical compounds, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. Its sticky pulp is a rich source of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) or dietary-fiber such as gums, hemicelluloses, mucilage, pectin and tannins. 100 g of fruit pulp provides 5.1 or over 13% of dietary fiber. NSP or …


Symplocos racemosa Roxb

General information: Lodh Tree bark has been traditionally used as an uterine tonic. Numerous references attest to its value in maintaining optimum health in women. Additionally, the tree and its formulations have been effective in controlling bleeding and digestive disorders. Therapeutic constituents: Glycosides, isolated from the ethanolic extract of the stembark, are highly astringent and …


Solanum Indicum

MEDICINAL USES AND HEALTH BENEFITS: According to Ayurveda Brahti is one of the best herb for treating cold ,cough ,sore throat and asthma. Brhati is beneficial herb for curing digestive troubles ,and effectively used in loss of appetite , indigestion , dysentery , gas and intestinal worms Brahti stimulates and strengthens the heart and ameliorates …


Sida cordifolia

General information: Country Mallow is a revered herb in Ayurveda, known to balance all the doshas (bodily humors that make up one’s constitution). It is a health tonic with rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, libido-enhancing and fat-burning properties. Therapeutic constituents: Ephedrine is one of the alkaloids present, which has fat-burning properties. The herb also contains phytosterol and potassium …