Herbal Supplies – Wholesale Herbs Supplies

Showing: 1 - 10 of 82 RESULTS

Talbeena (Barley Gruel)

What is Talbeena? Talbeena is a thin, relaxing broth made from ground Barley together with its husks. It gets its name from the word ‘laban’ because it has a similar consistency to yoghurt.   Talbeena in the Sunnah:   “The Talbeena gives rest to the heart of the patient and makes it active and relieves …


Withania somnifera

Description Also known as Indian ginseng or Indian winter cherry, ashwagandha is used in Indian traditional systems of medicine, namely Ayurveda and Unani. It is a stout shrub that reaches a height of about 170 cm (5 to 6 ft). The erect branched shrub is berry-like in shape and size and bears greenish or lurid …

Fruits Herbs

Vitis vinifera

General information: Grapes are commonly eaten as a fruit all over the world. Cultivated since 5,000 BC, the Greeks and Romans have used grapes for making wine. Grapes also have a host of medicinal properties. They contain flavonoids, which are very powerful antioxidants. Grapes are a good source of bioflavonoids (vitamin P), which are known …


Vitex Negundo

General information: Five-Leaved Chaste Tree extracts have been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a rejuvenative tonic for promoting virility. In Unani, the seeds are recommended for controlling premature ejaculation. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India has documented the use of the leaf and the root to treat excessive vaginal discharge, edema, skin diseases, pruritus, helminthiasis, rheumatism …


Viola odorata

General information: Sweet Violet is an important ingredient in herbal compositions for treating cold and cough. The German Commission E and The British Herbal Pharmacopeia document the traditional use of Sweet Violet for pulmonary infections and as an expectorant for the respiratory tract ailments. Therapeutic constituents: The leaves of Sweet Violet contain the active components …


Vernonia cinerea

General information: Purple Fleabane, found all throughout India, is a plant with a host of medicinal benefits. It is primarily a febrifuge, which brings down fever and a diaphoretic that eliminates toxins by inducing sweating. Purple Fleabane also reduces bladder spasms, purifies blood and is recommended for treating colic. Therapeutic constituents: Triterpenes are the major …


Urginea scilla

Description of Urginea scilla: It is a perennial plant with fibrous roots proceeding from the base of a large, tunicated, nearly globular bulb, 4 to 6 inches long, the outer scales of which are thin and papery, red or orange-brown in colour. The bulb, which is usually only half immersed in the sand, sends forth …


Tribulus terrestris

Health benefits of fenugreek seeds Fenugreek seeds are rich source of minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients. 100 g seeds provide 323 calories. The seeds are a very good source of soluble dietary fiber. Soaking the seeds in water makes their outer coat soft and mucilaginous. 100 g of seeds provide 24.6 g or over 65% of …


Trachyspermum ammi

Health and Medicinal benefits of Ajwain It is one of the important herbs for Indian kitchen to make the Indian cuisine tasty. All the parts of this herb have very strong smell; hence it is called Ugragandha in Sanskrit. Ajwain has many health and medicinal values. It is well known seed for Instant Remedy for …


Tephrosia purpurea

General information: The Sanskrit name of Wild Indigo, Sarapunkha, is a combination of two words—arrow and wings. This refers to the physical appearance of the plant. If both the ends of its leaf are held and pulled, edges like that of an arrow are formed (Source: The plant is beneficial in treating skin eruptions and …