- Arabic Name : Muqul Azraq, Muqul al-yahood
- Bengali Name : Guggul, Mukul
- English Name : Gum Gugal, Guggulipid, Mukul Myrrh
- French Name : Arbre à myrrhe
- German Name : Indische Myrrhe, Guggul-Baum
- Gujarati Name : Guggul, Gugar, Gugal
- Hindi Name : Gugal, Guggal
- Kannada Name : Kanthagana, Guggal, Mahishaksha guggulu, Guggulugida, Guggulu
- Latin name : Commiphora mukul Hook. ex Stocks
- Marathi Name : Guggul, Mahishaksh, Guggule
- Persian Name : Bue Jahudan
- Punjabi Name : Guggal
- Sanskrit Name : Guggulu, Devadhoop, Palankas, Kanshikaha
- Urdu Name : Muqil, Guggal
It is a flowering plant, all parts of it is used, but specially resin (gum) of it is used.
Guggul for weak Memory: –
1. Hazrat Anas Bin Malik رضي الله عنه says that they were in Nabiﷺ’s company, one person came & complaint about his weak memory (النسيان) to Nabiﷺ & Heﷺ replied “Take Kandar (الكندر) (Guggul), soak it in water, overnight & drink this water at morning empty stomach because it is best for Nisyaan (النسيان) (lack of memory).
[At-Tibb Al-Nabawi (Al-Jawzi) volume 1; page no. 294]
Guggul for weak memory & urinary problems: –
2. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas رضي الله عنه says that Nabiﷺ drank Kandar (الكندر) (Guggul) water mixed with sugar (السكر) at morning empty stomach & said that it removes urinary problems & it is best for Nisyaan (النسيان) (weak or lack of memory).
[At-Tibb Al-Nabawi (Al-Jawzi) volume 1; page no. 294]
Guggulsterone, magnesium, iron, silica, aluminum, Balsum, tola etc
It lowers lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, Improves Insulin & helps in controlling diabetes, helps in arthritis, sciatica, gouts, and inflammatory diseases. Reduces hardening of arteries, (atherosclerosis), acne, & skin problems, reduces weight, tumors, ulcers, sores, tones the heart & is also helpful in urinary problems, worms, seizures (convulsion) etc.
1. Use Guggul in urinary problems & weak memory, soak in little water overnight & drink the water in morning empty stomach. This lesson has 2 Hadees.